像素(pixel, px)
视网膜屏(retina display)
具备足够高像素密度而使得人体肉眼**在一定距离范围内(10-12英尺, 1英尺=2.54cm)**无法分辨单独像素点的液晶屏幕
每英寸点数(Dots Per Inch,DPI)
像素密度(pixel per inch, PPI)
屏幕对角线像素数除以屏幕尺寸,以Google Pixel 2XL为例,其分辨率为1440*2880像素,屏幕尺寸6英寸,那么Pixel 2XL的像素密度就等于538
$ \frac{\sqrt{{1440^2}+{2880^2}}}{6} $ = 538
设备无关像素(device independent pixel, density-independent pixel, dip, dp)
on the Android operating system a device-independent pixel is equivalent to one physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen,while the Windows Presentation Foundation specifies one device-independent pixel as equivalent to 1/96th of an inch
设备像素比(device pixel ratio, DPR)
The actual DPPX will be determined by the manufacturer of each shipping device. Device manufacturers usually choose 1.5, or 2, or other whole numbers as the DPPX value.
Google Pixel 2XL
DPR: 538 / 160 = 3.3625 ≈ 3.5
iPhone X
DPR: 458 / 163 = 2.809 ≈ 3
How to calculate device pixel ratio
物理像素(physical pixel)或者叫设备像素(device pixel)
以 Pixel 2XL 为例,其物理像素为: 1440 * 2880
逻辑像素(logical pixel)
物理像素除以设备像素比即得到逻辑像素,以Pixel 2XL为例,其逻辑像素为:
411 * 823 (1440/3.5 ≈ 411, 2880 / 3.5 ≈ 823)
CSS像素(CSS Pixel)
physical size of a single pixel at a pixel density of 96 DPI, located an arm’s length away from the viewer’s eyes
it generally suffices to say that when the unit px is used, the goal is to try to have the distance 96px equal about 1 inch on the screen, regardless of the actual pixel density of the screen.
How a CSS pixel size is calculated?
Using the viewport meta tag to control layout on mobile browsers
The Retina Display vs 4K vs True Tone